Department of Health

Fellow Resources

Onboarding Information

Welcome to the New York State Public Health Corps (NYSPHC)!  

We are pleased that you are part of this program as a Fellow at the New York State Department of Health, a Local Health Departments (LHD), or a community-based organization (CBO), referred to as "Host Organizations." This section provides information about recommended and mandatory training and education sessions offered throughout your Fellowship period. We ask that you review the onboarding checklist and orientation handbook upon joining the project and refer to it whenever needed. The orientation handbook serves as a general guide for understanding the NYSPHC project, staff, and stakeholder responsibilities. The orientation handbook also has room at the end to record your participation in the training and events listed below. The NYSPHC Fellow Onboarding Checklist should be used as a tool to guide you through the first six months of your Fellowship.

October Orientation in the LMS:  

NYSPHC Townhall - August 21, 2024 
- Meet with NYSPHC and PCG with additional questions and programmatic overview/expectations
Slides | The recording link can be found here. Password: NYSPHC@2024

NYSPHC Core Competencies

The NYSPHC Fellowship Program measures competency gain during the Fellowship period through program evaluation efforts. A focus on core competencies for public health professionals through training and education enables participants to be successful practitioners of public health.

The Core Competencies for the NYSPHC Fellowship Program are:

  • Effective Communication: Communicate in a way that persuades different audiences to act.
  • Data-Based Decision Making: Identify appropriate sources and evidence-based approaches to address public health issues.
  • Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI): Support development of a diverse public health workforce demonstrated through incorporating health equity and social justice principles to deliver socially, culturally, and linguistically appropriate programs and services to individuals and the populations in a community.
  • Budget and Financial Management: Identify financial analysis methods used to leverage funding mechanisms to develop sustainable funding models to support programs and services.
  • Change Management: Assess the drivers in one’s community to modify programmatic practices that may influence public health programs and services.
  • Systems & Strategic Thinking: Create and apply quality improvement processes to address the impacts of social determinants of health in individuals, families, and the overall community.
  • Community Engagement: Engage community members in the design and implementation of programs to improve health in a community.
  • Cross Sectoral Partnerships: Build and engage collaborations within the public health system among traditional and nontraditional partners to improve the health of a community.
  • Policy Engagement: Collect information and identify options for the feasibility of implementing policies external to the organization that affect the health of the community.
  • Specialized Skills: Technical skills and content knowledge specific to a programmatic area.

What are Core Competencies and how were they developed?

Used by public health agencies and academic institutions across the country, the Core Competencies provide a framework for workforce development planning and action, and can serve as a starting point for public health professionals and organizations working to better understand and meet workforce development needs, improve performance, prepare for accreditation, and enhance the health of the communities they serve. Organizations are encouraged to interpret and adapt the Core Competencies in ways that meet their specific organizational needs. (Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals)

The Core Competencies are a set of agreed upon knowledge, skills and abilities identified as key to the success of public health professionals, and are used nationally as a framework for public health workforce development. The concept and original Core Competencies were initially conceived by the Council on Linkages Between Academia and Public Health Practice (Council on Linkages) and have had multiple updates through the years since 2001.  

In 2014, the de Beaumont Foundation introduced the Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey (PH WINS), which measures training needs, and is the only nationally representative survey of state and local government public health employees in the United States. PH WINS uses a modified subset of the Core Competencies to measure training needs that are actionable and measurable and provides the data through a national dashboard and through password protected dashboards to participating health departments. PH WINS also aligns with the de Beaumont Foundation’s strategic skills and ultimately supports the public health workforce by measuring strengths and gaps to inform future investments in funding, training, recruitment, and retention. You can find the PH WINS 2021 National Dashboards here.

The NYSPHC Core Competencies form the foundation of Fellow training programming, and related topics are presented throughout the Educational Series, Regional Consortia Meetings, and the annual NYSPHC Summit. The Public Health Essentials certificate course and the Building Expertise in Administration and Management (BEAM) Certificate Program also covers several of the NYSPHC Core Competencies. Assessment of competency gain will be executed through surveys throughout the Fellowship period.   

eCornell: Public Health Essentials Certificate Program

By the end of this Public Health Essentials Training, you will be equipped with tools and skills needed to excel in the public health field. After your successful completion of the training program, you will receive a professional certificate from Cornell University.

  • The course is fully online, facilitated, and asynchronous in nature, meaning there is no set time to meet with a class. You can work at your own pace to meet the deadlines for assignments.
  • Through the class, you will build a learning community with other New York State Public Health Corps Fellows. Please plan to spend about 5 hours per week on your learning.
  • The course work that you’ll complete will help you accelerate your impact in your communities, help you support COVID-19 education and awareness, increase demand for and acceptance of vaccines, support COVID-19 prevention practices, help connect clients with services, and contribute to health promotion and preparedness activities addressing the social determinants of health.

Instructions for enrollment will be sent after you begin your Fellowship. After enrolling, you will receive an automated confirmation email from eCornell ( Please check your spam or junk folder in case the enrollment confirmation is not in your inbox. The confirmation email will have information about the course start date, how to access the online course, and a form to complete if you need learning accommodations. If you have any questions regarding the Cornell University Public Health Essentials Program, please email:

Fellows who have previously completed the Public Health Essentials Training will be required to complete the Public Health Leadership Essentials certificate program. This engaged certificate program helps Fellows build out their public health leadership toolkit to support planning, implementation, and performance. Following successful completion of the training program, Fellows will receive a professional certificate from Cornell University. More detailed information will be shared in late 2024.

FAQs on Proper Citation and Plagiarism

Q: What is plagiarism?

A: Plagiarism is when you write or say other people’s words, or use their graphic or image, without giving them the credit.

Q: Why does plagiarism matter?

A: Plagiarizing is kind of like stealing. If others have done the research, crafted great writing, developed a cool infographic, they deserve the credit!

Q: Can I use other people’s words or graphics?

A: Yes, in many cases you can, but you need to give them credit. This is called “citation.”

Q: What is citation?

A: Citation is when you give someone credit for the facts or words or ideas or graphics you are sharing. The added benefit of citation is that is shows the reader that you have done background work and that your ideas are based on facts or evidence.

Q: How do I avoid plagiarism?

A: If you’ve used someone else's ideas: list the source (website, book, author, etc.). If you’ve used someone else's words: put the words in “quotation marks” to show that you are quoting someone, and list the source (website, book, author, etc.). If you read someone else’s words and then re-state them as your own, this is called paraphrasing. In this case, you do not need to use “quotation marks” but you do need to list the source (website, book, author, etc.).

Q: Why is proper citation important?

A: Documents are more trustworthy to a reader if there are citations. It shows that the writer is using evidence to elaborate ideas, not just making stuff up!

Building Expertise in Administration and Management (BEAM) Certificate Program

The Building Expertise in Administration and Management (BEAM) certificate program is offered by the University of Miami, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine and the School of Business Administration in partnership with the de Beaumont Foundation to develop public health leaders. Through the BEAM certificate program, public health professionals will gain a solid foundation in essential business administration skills that are necessary for career growth and professional development. Students will examine basic budgeting in public health, finance, accounting, contracts, resource management, and strategic thinking.

The BEAM Certificate program is an online, self-paced, interactive, 15-to-20-hour certificate program built around six learning priorities (modules):

  • Strategic Problem Definition — Understanding the challenges underlying resource allocation.
  • Budgeting — Developing budgets by allocating staff and financial resources to best achieve program goals and outcomes.
  • Procurement — Learning about the procurement process, including federal, state, and organizational rules for allocating funds to external entities.
  • Contracts — Understanding contract development and execution, including scopes of work and outcomes-based expectations.
  • Contract Monitoring — Learning how to analyze, report on, and document a contractor’s performance.
  • Financial Health — Understand the importance of a program’s financial health in relationship to the organization’s financial health. 
New York Learns Public Health (NYLearnsPH) Learning Management System (LMS)

About the New York Learns Public Health (NYLearnsPH) Learning Management System:  

The LMS is a web-based tool designed to facilitate the registration and tracking of learners in competency-based courses for staff in state, local public health and allied health agencies throughout New York. The LMS allow Users (Learners) to search an online Course Catalog, enroll in courses, complete online quizzes, and track their continuing education.

LMS Support: Call 518-473-4223 and select Option 3, or email


Fellow LMS Accounts: 

  • Fellows who are new to the LMS must register for the system. The guide linked below, “New User Registration”, explains how to register as a first time user.
  • Once you have successfully registered for the LMS, you will be able to enroll in the Educational Series Certificate program by following the steps in the guide, “Certificate Program Enrollment.”
  • Fellows with existing accounts should test their login to be sure you have access to the system. For assistance with username or password refer to the guide, “Retrieving Account Information.” For assistance with secret questions or to update your email address, email and provide a phone number and date/time you can be reached for assistance.

Please see user guides below: 

  1. New User Registration.pdf  | New User Registration - Video
  2. Existing Accounts.pdf
  3. Certificate Program Enrollment.pdf  | Certification Program Enrollment - Video
  4. Viewing Ed Series Content.pdf
  5. Complete a Course.pdf
  6. Complete a Quiz.pdf
  7. Certificate Program Enrollment and Completion.pdf
  8. Retrieving Account Information.pdf
NYSPHC Educational Series

The New York State Public Health Corps (NYSPHC) Educational Series consists of live monthly educational sessions with various topics and speakers focusing on relevant public health topics. The sessions will be recorded and made available through the LMS to ensure all NYSPHC Program Participants have access. The goal of the Educational Series is to provide NYSPHC Program Participants with opportunities to expand their strategic skills and knowledge on emerging public health activities, programming, and state priorities. Fellow participation with the NYSPHC Education Series trainings is mandatory.

Series 3 (October 2024 through July 2025)

Teaser FlyerEffective Communication

Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI)

Policy Engagement

Specialized Skills #1

Cross Sectoral Partnerships

  • April 9th, 2025, 12PM to 1PM
  • Title:
  • PPT Slide Deck
  • Recording & Quiz Questions in the LMS

Community Engagement

  • May 14th, 2025, 12PM to 1PM
  • Title:
  • PPT Slide Deck
  • Recording & Quiz Questions in the LMS

Specialized Skills #2

  • July 9th, 2025, 12PM to 1PM
  • Title:
  • PPT Slide Deck
  • Recording & Quiz Questions in the LMS
Consortia Meetings
70+ Consortium Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art  - iStock | Consortium logo, Global consortium, Consortium icon

The New York State Public Health Corps (NYSPHC) Consortia Meetings will consist of three live sessions per Fellowship year for a total of six sessions during the Fellowship period. The purpose of the consortia meetings is to bring Fellows, Supervisors, host organization staff, and Mentors together to collectively enhance the public health infrastructure at host organizations through collaboration and networking with an informational presentation followed by breakout sessions to further discuss the meeting topic and promote networking. Consortia Meetings also feature four Fellow Spotlights per meeting to showcase Fellow projects and promote networking amongst Fellows doing similar work. 

Fellow participation with the NYSPHC Consortia Meetings is not mandatory but is highly encouraged. Depending on the content of the session, Consortia meetings may not be recorded so, again, we strongly encourage live participation.

Year 1 - September 2024 through March 2025

September 2024teaser flyer

December 2024

March 2025

  • Title:
  • PPT Slide Deck and Handouts:
  • Fellow Spotlights:
  • Recording:

Year 2 - September 2025 through March 2026

September 2025

  • Title:
  • PPT Slide Deck and Handouts:
  • Fellow Spotlights:
  • Recording:

December 2025

  • Title:
  • PPT Slide Deck and Handouts:
  • Fellow Spotlights:
  • Recording:

March 2026

  • Title:
  • PPT Slide Deck and Handouts:
  • Fellow Spotlights:
  • Recording:

NYSPHC Friendly Newsletter (Bi-annual)

  • Check back Fall 2024!

eDistance Learning Newsletter (monthly)

Aware Prepare Newsletter (monthly)

Public Health Podcasts
NY PH Now Podcast

New York Public Health Now is a conversational bi-weekly podcast with a rotating roster of passionate, front line public health specialists at the New York State Department of Health and beyond.

With each new episode, Public Health Now will talk about timely and important topics such as health equity, the opioid epidemic, respiratory viruses, maternal mortality, Medicaid recertification, climate change, air and water quality, and more. We’ll also discuss all the great work happening at the Department in places like the Wadsworth Center, New York’s world-class public health laboratory, and New York State of Health, our health insurance marketplace.
 Questions or comments:

The Public Health Spotlight Podcast

PH Spot
ASTHOPublic Health Review
  • Check out this episode of the Public Health Review Morning Review featuring Kara Kane, Public Information Office from Erie County Department of Health.

    Kare episode

NYSPHC Fellow Travel Center

This list includes our NYSPHC Fellow Travel Policy & Procedures document along with other Travel documents that Fellows are required to complete for travel request purposes. 

NYSPHC Summit 2025: 

NYSPHA- 2025 Public Health Partnership Conference: 

Annual NYSPHC Summit




The NYSPHC Fellowship Annual Summit provides opportunities for Fellows to expand the breadth and depth of their public health knowledge. Additionally, the Summit provides opportunities for Fellows to engage with peer Fellows, Regional Teams, and Mentors from across the state to learn about the unique efforts being carried out in each region. Through delivery of information from keynote and plenary speakers, professional development opportunities, peer-to-peer experience sharing and networking, panel presentations, poster presentations, and focused public health workshops, the Fellows can take new skills and knowledge back into the field and support efforts to improve health outcomes for New Yorkers.  

The goal of the Annual Summit is to support collaboration and knowledge sharing as well as provide networking opportunities for Fellows as they prepare for the next step in their public health careers.

2025 Fellowship Summit

2025 Flyer


Abstract Development Workshop Materials
Events, Webinars, Recordings for All Fellows

Ongoing events, webinars and an archive of these webinar recordings are available for Fellows to access and review. Tip: Visit the Resources by Region Section for additional regional resources.

August 2024 Orientation  
Day 1 - Overview of NYSPHC Program  
- Introductions, Program history and Key points 
Slides | Recording in LMS soon
Day 2 - Roles and Expectations  
- Review Roles of Supervisors, NYSPHC, Fellows and PCG 
Slides | Recording in LMS soon

Day 3 - Professional Development  
- Discuss the learning opportunities available 
Slides | Recording in LMS soon

Day 4 - Mentorship and Networking  
- Meet with Mentors and understand expectations for the duration of the Fellowship 
Slides | Recording in LMS soon!

NYSPHC Townhall - August 21, 2024 
- Meet with NYSPHC and PCG with additional questions and programmatic overview/expectations
Slides | The recording link can be found here. Password: NYSPHC@2024 

Public Health Trainings

These are optional trainings to help Fellows grow their knowledge and skills across public health. If training is no longer available or you'd like to recommend a training, please fill out our Feedback Form.

General Public Health Trainings

Orientation to Public Health

  • Orientation to Public Health provides learners with a basic understanding of the 10 Essential Public Health Services, a framework "to protect and promote the health of all people in all communities." The training consists of two parts: Part One introduces public health's mission and core functions, and Part Two describes the ten essential services.
    The training uses real public health scenarios and the metaphor of a new worker orientation to present information. By responding to emails, completing assigned tasks, and participating in simulated meetings with new coworkers, the learner discovers that public health is a part of everyday life, and how agencies work to accomplish its mission.

Public Health Training & Resource Hub

  • Contains online trainings and webinars across a wide variety of public health areas: emergency preparedness, environmental health, data analysis, health equity, etc. 

Career Development

Charting Your Public Health Career Path

  • There are so many different career paths in public health, it can be hard to know where to start. This training will help you assess what is important to you, what skills you like to use, and what kinds of organizations do the work you care about in public health.

How to Get Hired at a State or Local Health Department – 4-Part Series 

  1. New Jersey Local Health Departments
  2. New York Local Health Departments
  3. New Jersey State Health Department of Health
  4. New York State Department of Health
  • Moderated by Heather Krasna, PhD this four-part webinar series will serve as a valuable starting point for those seeking employment in state and local public health departments. This webinar is of particular interest to MPH, DrPH, and other public health students and recent grads, NYS Public Health Corps Fellows, and AmeriCorps members. This series is not intended for those already employed by state and local health departments unless transitioning from temporary to permanent positions. 

Microsoft Trainings & Certificates

  • Microsoft Office offers hundreds of free online trainings on all of their platforms including Excel, PowerPoint, Power Automate, Power BI and more. They also offer training plans for certain career paths (including administrators and data analysts) that can earn you a Microsoft credential.

Chronic Disease

How Food Insecurity Feeds Diabetes

  • Social determinants of health impact people with diabetes in many ways. For example, about 20% of individuals with diabetes face food insecurity, which leads to increased risk or poor management of diabetes. Diabetes is a complex condition, and people with diabetes face many challenges in managing it, including having access to and eating healthy foods. Black adults and people with low income are more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes and more likely than whites to be food insecure (Walker et al. 2020).  This webcast will focus on how public health and healthcare providers can help address this important social determinant contributing to the incidence of diabetes and to disparities in diabetes.

New Strategies to Reduce Harm from Unhealthy Diets and Obesity

  • For more than 30 years, public health professionals, researchers, activists, and the public have debated whether obesity is an overriding threat to public health, a myth, or some mix of the two. Moving beyond this passionate but sometimes sterile dispute will require new thinking and the application of new frameworks and lenses. In this webinar, Nicholas Freudenberg, Distinguished Professor of Public Health at the CUNY School of Public Health, will seek to highlight some of the agreement and disagreements about the concept of obesity and suggest new strategies to reduce the human and planetary harms of unhealthy diets and the structures and environments that encourage them.

Communicable Disease

Confronting Barriers to Vaccine Acceptance: Create Effective Communication Using Behavioral Science

  • This course outlines how to confront barriers to vaccine acceptance by creating effective communication using behavioral science, health literacy, and techniques to combat misinformation. It provides an introduction to the key tools from each of those fields, then instructs on the five-step process of developing vaccine communications. It includes case studies to show how these principles have been applied in a real-world setting. This course is appropriate for anyone communicating about vaccination, from healthcare workers in one-on-one communications to public health promotion specialists developing full communication campaigns.

Infectious Diseases and Identities: Recognizing and Reducing Stigma in Public Health

  • This course offers a deep dive into the complex relationships between stigma, identities, and infectious diseases, exploring how language, and societal attitudes have shifted through time. You'll learn to recognize the impact of stigma not only on public health but also on individual practices, as people may avoid disclosure when they don’t feel accepted. Through an applied lens, this course will help you identify biases, challenge harmful messaging, and improve public health campaigns by fostering inclusivity. 

Investigating Outbreaks in Health Care: Contaminated Products

  • This training discusses investigating health care-associated outbreaks caused by contaminated products. It illustrates the steps of an outbreak investigation through a detailed case study. The steps and measures to halt and prevent transmission discussed in this case study can serve as a reference to health care workers if they encounter a different health care-associated outbreak caused by a contaminated product.

Investigating Outbreaks in Health Care: People and Pets

  • This training focuses on investigating outbreaks caused by people and pets and it offers recommendations for halting and preventing these outbreaks. It outlines the main causes of outbreaks related to people and pets and includes a brief case study that illustrates how pets might cause outbreaks in health care facilities. Finally, it discusses policy recommendations that can facilitate outbreak investigation.

Understanding Mpox: A World Health Issue

  • Mpox is a growing concern in the United States and around the globe due to its sustained transmission, genetic variability, and potential for severe health complications. This course is designed to create a heightened awareness among the public health community of the disease and the actions that can be taken to prevent outbreaks, reduce stigma, and educate others.


Comms Crash Course: Developing and Producing Videos to Expand Public Health Messaging

  • Webinar panel on the development of public health education videos to various audiences. 

Harnessing the Power of Music, Movement, Culture, and Science to Build Youth Health Literacy and Inspire Health Behavior Change

  • Join us for an inspiring session featuring Lori Rose Benson, CEO of Hip Hop Public Health, a non-profit dedicated to creating and disseminating research-based educational resources by harnessing the power of music and culture to improve health in communities that are underserved. Lori will take us on a journey through Hip Hop Public Health’s visionary approach to enhance health education and public health communication via the intersection of music, movement, culture, and science, revealing how these elements can be harnessed to cultivate positive health behavior change among today's youth.

Health Literacy - 2 Part Training

  1. Health Literacy and Public Health

    This training introduces the concept of health literacy, provides strategies for considering literacy when creating public health messages for the general public, and provides strategies for considering literacy in direct public health services to the public.

  2. Strategies for Addressing Low Health Literacy

    This training provides practical techniques for addressing literacy issues in spoken and written communications.

How to Rebrand Your Health Department

  • Join ASTHO for a webinar that explores the intersection of public health and branding. You will discover the traits and trends that are shaping consumer behavior in relation to public health. In addition, you will understand the reasons behind rebranding your health department and learn how to initiate such a strategic overhaul. Industry professionals will guide you through a tiered approach to rebranding tailored to your department's unique capacity, funding, and needs.

Public Health Communications Collaborative Academy: Strengthening Public Health Communications through Community Engagement

  • Community engagement is vital for public health communicators for building trust and credibility, understanding community needs, promoting a sense of ownership and participation in healthy initiatives, and fostering collaboration.

Community Engagement & Partnership Development

Community Dimensions of Public Health Practice - 2 Part Training

  1. Building Relationships to Improve the Health of the Community

    This self-paced, online course is Part 1 of 2 on Community Dimensions of Public Health Practice. Community partnerships are beneficial to achieving broad public health goals, including the development, implementation, evaluation and promotion of population-based health programs. It is important to develop relationships with partners and stakeholders for a given public health problem and understand a public health professional’s role in making these partnerships successful.

  2. Community Engagement as a Process for Improving the Health of the Community

    This self-paced, online course is Part 2 of 2 on Community Dimensions of Public Health Practice. Community partnerships are beneficial to achieving broad public health goals, including the development, implementation, evaluation and promotion of population-based health programs. These partnerships and their level of engagement are critical to the process of improving the health of a community.

Data Analysis & Epidemiology

Developing Effective Virtual Meetings

  • Unlock the secrets to running effective and engaging virtual meetings with our exclusive masterclass series. Learn the ABCs of virtual meeting mastery and pinpoint specific techniques for engaging participants. Over four dynamic sessions, we will equip you with skills and strategies to transform your virtual meetings into productive and impactful experiences. Each session of this series is designed to provide you with practical, actionable insights and techniques. Invest in your professional development and master the art of virtual meetings. This series has been crafted with epidemiologists in mind: scenarios and examples will be relevant for epidemiologists who lead virtual meetings.
  • You will need to create a free CSTE account to access this training.

Infodemiology Training Program

  • The Infodemiology Training Program is designed for epidemiologists, program evaluators, coordinators, communications staff, and other public health professionals. The flexible training modules will give you the basics on infodemiology and the applied skills to help improve public health by tracking, analyzing, and responding to trending narratives.

Qualitative Methods in Public Health Practice

  • Whether gaining insight during community health assessments or learning more in-depth about findings from research or evaluation surveys, qualitative methods are an important tool in public health practice. This course provides an overview of qualitative research methods, including common study designs, processes for data management, and considerations for interpreting findings.

Using Data Visualization in Public Health Communications

  • This webinar reviews different strategies for producing clear, engaging data visuals for public health education.

Disability & Health

Collaborative Health Care for Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities

  • The challenges people with disabilities experience when receiving health care services or participating in programs that promote health are monumental and can be overwhelming. Often multiple barriers make it extremely difficult or even impossible for people with disabilities to access and effectively receive healthcare. This Public Health Live will provide a background on overall health for people with disabilities, describe barriers faced by people with disabilities, and address how small changes within a provider’s office, engagement with patients, and collaboration with partners can improve healthcare for people with disabilities. Specific focus is placed on people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Data and Strategies for Disability Equity and Inclusion

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act aims to ensure rights and opportunities for people with disabilities, including equitable access to transportation, jobs, and health care. Even so, there are still policies and harmful stereotypes that prevent people with disabilities from thriving. In this webinar, we will discuss ways to center those with disabilities. Dr. Bonnielin Swenor, the director of the Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center, will share data dashboards created to support evidence-based policies. And Kimberly Tissot, president and chief executive officer of Able SC, will share strategies to engage the disability community in all aspects of civic life. Able SC is a federally recognized disability-led organization committed to systems changes that result in access, equity and inclusion.

Disability Etiquette

  • Did you know that people with disabilities are the largest minority group in the United States? If your programs, environments, policies, procedures, communication strategies, and facilities are not accessible and inclusive to all, you are missing out on over 25% of the population. This Disability Etiquette training provides information, tools, and strategies for everyone. If you interact with the public professionally, or personally, this training is for you. It will help you build confidence to interact with people with disabilities effectively and respectfully.

Environmental Health

Climate Change and Flooding Risk: How Local Health Departments and Communities Can Prepare

  • This course focuses on how local health departments and their community partners can prepare for and address extreme precipitation events and the floods they cause. It will describe the specific steps that a fictitious local health department (based on a real county in upstate New York) took to learn about, quantify and assess the potential for flooding and then the steps they took to prepare and respond. It will describe the technical and adaptive challenges they faced.

National Disaster Preparedness Training Center at the University of Hawai'i

  • The National Disaster Preparedness Training Center offers a variety of courses around environmental disasters and emergency preparedness including community resilience, climate adaption planning, flooding hazards, and winter weather hazards, among other topics.

Tulane University Environmental Public Health Online Courses

  • Environmental Public Health Online Courses (EPHOC) is a comprehensive package of courses for environmental public health practitioners. The 15 courses are taught by experts in their field and include information on various roles and responsibilities of environmental public health staff. Target audiences include: new-hire environmental public health professionals; individuals preparing for a state or national credential exam; environmental health and other students; and environmental public health professionals wanting to improve their technical knowledge. 

Grants & Financial Management

Grant Writing Series - 4 Part Training

  1. Effective Grant Seeking Strategies to Build Impactful Programs

    Health and behavioral healthcare services organizations are benefitting from unprecedented access to public and private grant funding. While this presents a significant opportunity to expand your programming to meet community needs, there are significant risks to “chasing funds,” such as mission drift, increased staff burnout within an already overburdened workforce, and the inability to sustain programs and staff beyond the grant period. This webinar will provide concrete strategies for: 
    - Understanding the funder landscape, including an overview of current and upcoming funding opportunities that organizations can use to build capacity and better serve their communities
    - Making informed, strategic decisions with your team about whether or not a grant opportunity is worth pursuing, including an assessment of the grant’s impact in helping your organization meet its overall goals and the ability to align the funded activities with system drivers that will support long term sustainability 
    - Developing awareness of and implementing tools and tactics that can enhance an organization’s ability to attract grants of all types

  2. Successful Grant Seeking Strategies for SAMHSA Grants

    During this virtual presentation, HMA will go through a deep dive discussion into the realities of seeking SAMHSA grants. We will provide an overview of some of SAMHSA’s most common recurring program areas that are relevant to NYSACHO members, including when (if projected for FY23 and not yet released) those Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are expected to be released. We will also provide a description of SAMHSA’s proposal review process, sharing tangible tips and tricks that members can use to:

    - Prepare themselves in advance of a SAMHSA’s RFP release to ease the burden of application development
    - Develop and submit a highly competitive grant application to SAMHSA, with an eye toward the review criteria at which the independent reviewers will be looking
    - Understand the requirements and expectations, should their application be successful, for which all applicants should be preparing
    - Overcome common pitfalls during the SAMHSA application process

  3. How to Win Funding from HRSA

    In this session, participants will learn about how to find, vet, and successfully pursue grant opportunities from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), a division of the US Department of Health and Human Services. Participants will be presented with information regarding HRSA’s current and future funding priorities, what entities are eligible applicants, and how to locate specific grant opportunities. Participants will also be provided with an overview of HRSA’s grant application process and structure, how grants are evaluated, and key tips for submitting a successful application.

  4. Successful Strategies for Attaining Foundation Grants

    In this webinar, HMA will share strategies for NYSACHO members who are seeking private grants from Foundations. In addition to providing an overview of different types of Foundation funders, we will provide a Go-No Go Decision Making tool that agencies can use to identify the right Foundation funder (and funding opportunity) that meets their longer term strategies. We will also talk about the importance of relationship building with Foundation funders, including the commonly held misconception that not being awarded funding after your first application to a Foundation is a failure. Finally, we will discuss the traditional process for seeking Foundation funding, from the Letter of Intent all the way through the Invitation to Apply process, including the important ways this process differs from government grant making. 

Planning for Success: Managing Business and Finance in Public Health

  • This 7-part program covers basic financial management and business planning skills designed to help public health workers ensure the success of their organization's long term vision through informed planning and financial well-being. The program consists of seven separate components including a podcast, four self-paced trainings, and two on-demand trainings, each covering different aspects of either financial management or business planning in public health.

Health Equity

Addressing Health Equity

  • This course illustrates the conditions that shape health and health disparities. In addition to describing the complex interplay of social conditions associated with health disparities, it also provides a framework for exploring public and community health strategies to promote health equity.

Expansive Connections: Integrating Cultural Humility in Public Health Practice

  • This course will deepen our understanding of cultural humility, relevant related concepts, start exploring our own biases, create strong and expansive connections, and cultivate sustainable practices that promote health equity for all.

Maternal, Infant, and Child Health

Maternal Mental Health as a Driver of Maternal Mortality

  • Local health departments play an important role in reducing maternal deaths. This course seeks to expand this focus, and examine the impact of maternal mental health as a driver of maternal mortality. It will outline the problem of maternal mental health in urban and rural contexts, and then discuss how local health departments and their community partners can respond to the problem. 

Psychological Principles for Effective Youth Tobacco Prevention Communications

  • This course will describe the importance of preventing youth tobacco use and present behavioral health models to promote anti-tobacco messaging effectively.

Mental Health

Flourishing through Adversity: How Can Stress and Emotional Experiences Make Us Resilient and Avoid Burnout

  • How do you handle stress and stressors at work, school, and life? In this session, current research in positive psychology, emotionality, and health will be presented. Dr. Gloria will discuss how experiences of certain emotions affect our abilities to cope with stress, and their influences on our mental and physical health. During this talk, audience members will participate in an exercise to score their own stressors and emotional experiences and learn the implications of their results. Our session will then conclude with recommendations on how to reduce stress, increase positivity, improve coping, be happier, be healthier, and be able to flourish at work, school, and in life.

Mental Health First Aid

  • Psychological First Aid is an early intervention that can be used to support anyone who is stressed or distressed, including patients, clients, and colleagues. This training will present a toolkit of supportive elements that can be used to help others, regardless of the setting or source of the stress, in order to remove barriers to natural resilience.

Public Health Infrastructure Development

Local Health Department Accreditation Process: Training Series from Cattaraugus County

  • This series of eight videos starts with the basics of what the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) is trying to accomplish through its accreditation process. It is followed by a series of videos that explaining the key documents and concepts behind them. It looks at the example of the Cattaraugus County Health Department as it navigates its way through accreditation. It is a must watch for small, local health departments in NYS that are considering accreditation or are going through the accreditation process.

Rebuilding the Public Health Workforce: Insights into Using the Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals to Support Workforce Development

  • As public health professionals our core functions of assessment, policy development and assurance are critical in addressing the opioid epidemic as the leading public health crisis today. In this training, designed specifically for Public Health professionals, participants will have the opportunity to explore Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and the current opioid epidemic through a Public Health lens.

Recruitment and Retention in Public Health

  • In this course, Dr. Heather Krasna, Associate Dean, Career Services and Professional Development provides a a crash course on recruitment and retention of new hires, from start to finish.

Using Technology for Good: Leveraging Consumer Technology for Population Health Impact in Public Health Settings

  • This webinar explores the role of consumer technology in public health initiatives. Participants will learn how to assess potential technological advancements and their impact on public health. The session highlights key opportunities for leveraging technology and participants will gain practical insights into building capacity in public health through strategic technology development.

Violence & Injury Prevention

A Systems Approach to Reduce Gun Violence

  • Gun violence is a major public health issue causing significant death, injuries and years of life lost. Gun violence and gun safety are complex public health problems and challenges that can benefit from a systems-thinking approach. This course will focus on how local health departments can take action to address gun violence in their communities. The course describes two examples of how different counties in the state are applying the public health approach to gun violence in their communities and using systems thinking to help define the problem and identify risk factors and areas to intervene.

Poison Prevention Training

  • Our poison center aims to spread the message of poison prevention to the 7.4 million people throughout our service area. However, we can't do this alone and we need your help. Whether the audience you choose to share our safety information with is your child/children, students, a scout group, staff, etc. – this training makes explaining poison prevention an easy process.  

Science of Firearm Injury Prevention Among Children & Teens

  • Firearm injuries are a leading cause of death among children and teens. However, there are many ways that these injuries and deaths can be prevented using evidence-based practices and policies. Presented by the University of Michigan Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention and the Firearm Safety among Children and Teens (FACTS) Consortium, the Science of Firearm Safety Among Children & Teens Massive Open Online Course covers a range of firearm injury topics including: firearm-related suicide; unintentional firearm injury; community and youth violence; intimate partner violence; school and mass shootings; and officer-involved shootings. The course also covers important gaps in existing research and future directions for expanding the knowledge base of the field. This course is designed for multiple fields and levels of training, including students and researchers from public health, medicine, public policy, social work, nursing, criminology, sociology and psychology fields. 
Fellow Directory
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The purpose is to create connection between Fellows and foster community, networking, and communication. If you are interested in being a part of this Directory, please complete the questionnaire in the link below.

Please note:  

  • Participation in the Photo Directory is OPTIONAL.
  • NYSPHC may edit your submission based on space constraints of the template or grammar.
  • If you provide your work e-mail address, work phone number, or Professional LinkedIn URL, you give permission to be contacted by your NYSPHC peers.
  • The Fellow Directory will be located only on the Training & Resources website. When a Fellow submits the form, permission to post to the T&R website is implied as stated on the form.

To participate in the Fellow Directory, please complete this questionnaire at your earliest convenience. Please reach out to your FPC if you have any questions. 

Helpful Resources and Websites

This is the link to the NYSPHC program LinkedIn private group, where you can connect with other fellows, access resources, and stay updated on program announcements. Make sure to join and stay engaged with the community!  

How to add Fellowship to LinkedIn   
This LinkedIn template serves as a guide for NYSPHC fellows to present their fellowship experience on their LinkedIn profile. It provides step-by-step instructions to help fellows effectively showcase their job experience, skills, and impact on their profile.  

How to add Fellowship to Resume   
This resume template is designed specifically for NYSPHC fellows, providing a structured format to effectively highlight their fellowship experience.  

NYS Public Health Corps Website 
Visit the NYS Public Health Corps Public Website to apply for the NYSPHC fellowship program, get an in-depth overview of the program, and learn more about Public Health AmeriCorps. This site provides the information you need about the fellowship, including program details, benefits, and the application process

Resources Identified by Fellows

These links are being shared as resources that were shared by Fellows and are not a requirement of the NYSPHC Program.

  • Speechnotes - AI Speech to Text, Voice Typing & Transcriptions: Take notes with your voice for free, or automatically transcribe audio & video recordings.
  • New York State Office of Mental Health - OMG Funded Trainings for Providers (Free): The Office of Mental Health (OMH) funds several training platforms for New York’s public mental health professionals. These platforms provide quality training (self-study, webinars, in-person) that address a variety of topics including but not limited to: clinical service, trauma-informed care, suicide prevention.
  • Lucidchart - Workflow Diagram Software: Lucidchart is an intelligent diagramming application that makes creating a workflow diagram easy with drag-and-drop shapes, ready-to-use templates, and more.   
  • Link to Hope - Link to HOPE is a brief customizable, skills and knowledge-based workshop to help an organizational workforce understand how they can help someone they encounter on the job having current thoughts of suicide.
  • SOPHIA - SOPHIA is an international association of individuals and organizations that provides leadership and promotes excellence in the field of health impact assessment (HIA) and Health in All Policies (HiAP)
  • Chautauqua County Health Department Performance Evaluation System - This Performance Evaluation System was created by Fellow Christopher Crawford, PhD, as part of the accreditation process for Chautauqua County.
  • Chautauqua County Health Department LHD Accreditation Series - This series of videos was created by Fellow Christopher Crawford, PhD, as a tool to explain the complex pieces that go into receiving PHAB Accreditation.

NYSPHC Fellow Logo

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